housing and homelessness

The ICYS Youth Housing And Support (YHAS) Program provides support to young people at risk of, or experiencing homelessness.

The program provides external support to any young person aged 16 – 25 experiencing issues with housing and homelessness. We also offer supported accommodation to young people aged 16 – 25 with dependent children within one of 5 properties. Additionally, ICYS manages transitional housing for single young people aged 16 - 25.

ICYS Ipswich Community Youth Service - Empowering Tomorrow Decisions

The Youth Housing and Support (YHAS) Program at ICYS supports young people aged 16 – 25

If you would like more information about our housing program, please contact us.


how we can help

The path to homelessness is paved with many complex factors. These factors combine to make every young person and young families experience of homelessness different. Homelessness doesn’t just mean ‘rooflessness’ or sleeping rough. Homelessness also includes people who are couch surfing, living in inadequate dwellings, and staying in immediate supported accommodation. 

The Youth Housing and Support (YHAS) Program at ICYS supports young people aged 16 – 25, who are at risk of, or experiencing homelessness. Housing Support Worker’s assist young people to navigate challenging systems and overcome barriers to obtain safe housing. Support may include, but isn’t limited to: 

  • Referrals to immediate and transitional supported accommodation providers through the Queensland Homelessness Information Platform (QHIP) 
  • Assistance with social housing applications and/or advocacy to the Department of Housing 
  • Problem-solving discussions to explore safe, stable, and creative solutions to housing crises 
  • Assistance to complete applications for private rentals and student accommodation 
  • Support to explore and apply for informal options such as share accommodation 
  • Referrals for family mediation to keep young people at home where it is safe to do so 
  • Referrals for tenancy sustainment support 

The YHAS program also manages immediate-supported accommodation properties for young families. To be eligible for this program, young people must be aged 16 -25 and have at least one child in their full-time care. Additionally, the YHAS program also manages transitional supported accommodation for single young people aged 16-25. Vacancies for both of these programs are listed on QHIP. ICYS is also funded to deliver the Immediate Housing Response for families and young people presenting with the most complex housing need.

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