
ICYS Ipswich Community Youth Service - Empowering Tomorrow Decisions

ICYS Ipswich Community Youth Service has been running a highly popular weekly social group for young people with intellectual disabilities

Aimed at young people who don’t quite meet the threshold to receive government self-directed disability funding, this group provides participants with a safe and fun environment where they can create cool and quirky crafts and build upon friendships and social skills.

Having seen the impact this program has had on program participants and how essential such services within the community are, ICYS committed to utilising their own funds to continue running the group in 2013 after government funding to establish the pilot program ceased in 2012.

At the end of 2013 ICYS no longer had the capacity to utilise its own funds to continue the program.

ICYS are currently seeking a corporate partner and donations to assist with funding the re-establishment of this vital social group. If you would like more information on partnering with ICYS, or would like to donate, click the button below.

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